Horrorscope or You?

Questioner: Will a horoscope be a reason for a man’s success or failure? Will there be any positive result from altering a name according numerology?

In this crowd, if there is one intelligent human being,can you predict what he is going to do the next second? Can you predict it? No, because he may do something which nobody has ever done before. There is every possibility for that, isn’t it? If there is an intelligent being here, there is every possibility that he can create an event which has never happened in the world before. Is there such a possibility? Yes. Now there is an idiot here. The moment you see him you can predict right now how he is going to live his life. Isn’t that so? Now they have written it for you on a piece of paper as to how you are going to live. What does that mean? It does not necessarily mean to say that you have no intelligence, but it seems to me that you have decided not to use it. It seems as if you have decided not to exercise your intelligence. For example, if there is a form, there is a vibration associated with that form; and because of that vibration it acquires a certain quality. Now if I hold this handkerchief this way, it acquires one kind of vibration. If I hold it another way, it acquires another kind of vibration. If you are a little subtle you can experientially feel it. The very vibration itself will change  according to the way it is held. Each form has a unique vibration to it. Similarly planets have certain vibrations. Because of this, when planets are in different positions, they have a certain effect on your mental status when certain happenings occur on this planet. How this is so is, during pournami and amavasya , on a full moon day and a new moon day, people who are slightly imbalanced tend to become slightly more unbalanced. Do you know this? Are you aware of this? Those who are slightly unbalanced will get a little out of control on those particular days. Do you also become like that on those days? Do we have to hold you on amavasya and pournami?

Is it necessary? No? When you compare yourself with them, you are a little stronger mentally, because of this, wherever the moon may be, there is no big change within you. Similarly, if you are a little more balanced, let any planet go anywhere, you will be the way your quality is and not be dictated by any lesser force. All these planets and stars, what are they? They are all inanimate things, isn’t it? Just inanimate objects like stone and sand. Is an inanimate object stronger or is human nature stronger? You will have to open your mouths and tell me now.

 Questioner: Definitely human nature, Sir.

Then what is the problem? Should human nature have control over an inanimate object or should an inanimate object have control over human nature? Which should have power over what? Which should rule which? Should human nature rule inanimate things or should inanimate things rule human nature? Human nature should rule inanimate things, isn’t it? Then let the stars go anywhere, let the planets go anyhow, why should you bother? If your inner nature is firm and balanced, there is a very definite possibility that you can create your life the way you want it to be. The science of yoga is a possibility where you can take your whole life, the nature of your body, the nature of your mind, the nature of your life, everything, totally into your control and create it the way you want it to be. To what extent you can take it into your hands is, you can even determine the womb you are going to be born in. You have the power to determine to that extent. There is a science behind this, too. You can even determine when you are going to be born and when you are going to die. There is a science for that, too. This is an inner science and we call this yoga. There is such a possibility for a man. Now coming to numerology, will it be good for us if we change our names according to numerology?

When you asked me this question,I remembered an incident. Four to five years ago we were doing a program in Tirupur. There was a participant in our Isha Yoga Program. When I saw his nametag, his name was spelt “B a c c h a.” I kept calling him, “Baccha, Baccha.” The class finished and it was the last day of the program. He came and met me and said, “You kept calling me Baccha, Baccha in the program. My name is not Baccha, it is Badshah.” I could not help laughing. Where is Baccha and where is Badshah! Do you know Hindi? Badshah means king of kings. Baccha means a kid, amateurish or incompetent. Where is the comparison? I asked him why he had spelt it “B a c c h a.” He said, “A numerologist asked me to change the spelling of my name this way saying it would be good for me, so I’m spelling Badshah as Baccha.” In your life, when you could be a Badshah, when there is a possibility to be a Badshah, you are just choosing to become a Baccha. Who created these numbers? Was it there in nature? For our convenience, at least to count with our fingers, we created numbers. This one to ten numbering came mainly because of the ten fingers. If we had fourteen fingers, we would have counted eight, nine, daam, doom, too. Because we have only ten fingers we have created the numbers in this way, for our convenience. The tool which we have created for our convenience can it rule us?

I would like to tell an example for this. About six to seven years ago I was driving a Maruti car and I decided to sell it. A person that I knew decided to buy the car from me. I told him that the car had been used very extensively and that he should take a proper look at it and then buy it if he still likes it. He said, “No, no, there is no need to look at anything. I had decided the day you bought the vehicle that I should buy it when you decide to sell it.” I asked him why and he told me, “Your car has got a tremendous number.” I didn’t know that I had been driving a car with such a tremendous number. I told him, “Let the number be. You should drive it and see if you like it before you buy it.” “No, no. The number is sufficient.” I was wondering how a person could be this way. He told me that the number is three hundred thirty-three and his birthday falls on the third, and it is the third day of the third month, so on that day at eleven forty-five a.m., he would come and collect the car. I told him to ask the rate in the market and give me the money. Seeing the way this man was, I felt he shouldn’t be left at that, so I told him that the registration number is only outside, but the real number of the car will be on the engine and the chassis. I said the registration number could be changed anytime, so he should look at the engine number and the chassis number. Now he became very confused. He went to his numerology Guru and told him that I said it is not sufficient to just look at the registration number alone and that he should look at the engine number and the chassis number. His Guru told him that all those numbers were not needed and that the registration number alone would suffice. That man did not even know that the engine and chassis had a number. Only what is seen is needed! So he came and told me, “My Guru said this is sufficient,” and bought the vehicle. He told me he would buy it for one hundred thousand rupees. When he brought the money he had brought one rupee less because he wanted to give the amount of ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine rupees. I said, “Okay,” but he was very embarrassed for giving me one rupee less and had brought a huge gift along with the money. I said, “Okay, I am happy as long as you take the car happily.” As he was driving along one day, the reclining seat suddenly went backwards. When the seat went back suddenly, he got terribly frightened. He thought some evil spirit had caught hold of him from behind. I happened to visit his home a month later and casually asked him if the car was running well. With great reluctance he told me that he had sold the car as such an evil thing had happened. He could not understand that this had happened only because the reclining mechanism had failed.

Why astrology and numerology are ruling your life is because you are always living in fear. You are not living in love, in peace, in joy, but mostly in fear. When fear is the basis in you, I can make you believe anything. I can make you believe just about anything. “Every day when you go out of your house you should put this little finger thrice inside your mouth, otherwise you don’t know what can happen.” If I tell you this, I should actually tell you this as a story with a lot more suspense. I just said it in ridicule. If I say the same thing with a certain graveness and give a mystical explanation to the act, most of you will definitely begin to do this. Many little fingers will get very busy! You don’t have any respect for your inner nature. The inanimate objects and numbers that you have created have become very important for you. They are ruling you. That one thing which is above all is within you and you don’t have any respect for that. One, two, three, and four have become very important for you now.

An excerpt from "Encounter The Enlightened" 


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